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Low cost repair and refurbishment of sculling blades and sweep oars

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A pair of almost new Concept2 Big blade sculls in immaculate condition 287 - 292 adjustable length. Spoons primed in white

ready for painting

Complete with One year warranty

A pair of Concept2 Fully refurbished Smoothie2 sculls with new sleeves, new collars, new black

rubber grips 284 - 287 adjustable

length .

Spoons primed ready for painting

Complete with One year warranty

A pair of Fixed length 287 cm Big blade sculls with refurbished spoons, primed ready for painting,  new vortex edges, almost new sleeves

and collars with new wear plates

and new black  grips.

Complete with One year warranty

£375 the pair

£375 the pair

£240 the pair

f you are selling your old blades or considering trading them in, we would be interested in making an offer for them. Please ask us for a quote.

All refurbished sculls and oars supplied by Bladerite are guaranteed  for one year from date of delivery (excludes accidental damage and normal wear). Full terms and conditions are shown in the Warranty Agreement

See details of our optional accidental damage warranty

Return to blades for sale  Warranty

Damaged or worn blades?

Don’t replace them, get us to professionally refurbished them at a fraction of the price of a new set